Raksha Bandhan Gift The month of Shravan marks the beginning of the festive season in India. After Hariyali, many festivals like Raksha Bandhan are celebrated. There is a lot of enthusiasm among the people for these festivals and people do a lot of shopping in view of the festival. There are also many countries adjacent to India, where the Hindu population lives, Indian festivals are celebrated with full enthusiasm. However, the names of the festivals vary in different countries. Although festivals spoil the budget of the people, but this time you do not have to worry about the purchase of Rakhi, because the government is going to transfer Rs 23000 to the account of the citizens. This was informed by the Finance Ministry.
Raksha Bandhan Gift In fact, the government of Thailand has announced to deposit 10000 baht every month in the account of poor people. If calculated in Indian rupees, it is 23000 rupees. According to the instructions issued, to take advantage of this scheme, citizens will have to register themselves from August 1. The ‘Loi Krathong’ festival is celebrated similarly to Raksha Bandhan in Thailand. This festival is celebrated on the full moon day of Shravan month. On this festival, sisters give rakhi to their brothers. They also pay homage to the river goddess by floating decorative krathongs (floating baskets) in the rivers. In such a situation, this initiative taken by the government before the festival is no less than a gift. Raksha Bandhan Gift
“” “We are going to implement a ‘digital wallet’ scheme for the people,” “” “Thai Prime Minister Shretha Thawasin said on Monday.” “” Those who register for this will get 10000 baht (about 23000 rupees). People will have to spend it on buying local products. In the first phase, we will give money to 50 lakh citizens. Registration will start from August 1. ’
Shretha Thavisen’s party, Phu Thai, promised a “digital wallet” during the election. The government is aware that this will increase the financial burden on the exchequer, but it believes that this will increase the GDP by 1.2 to 1.6 per cent. Thailand’s deputy finance minister said the scheme would cost about 450 billion baht. A budget has also been finalized for this. People and shopkeepers who cheated to take advantage of this scheme last time will not get the benefit of this scheme.
Raksha Bandhan Gift It is not that you can spend this money wherever you want, there will be some limits to spending it. You may not be able to use it in oil, some kind of service and online shopping. “We will make the list public next week,” the deputy finance minister said. Initially, it was said that this wallet will be available only to those who are 16 years or older. But later it was said that whoever is poor will be given the benefit of this scheme. To take advantage of this, the annual income should be less than 840,000 baht i.e. about 19.40 lakhs. Thailand’s economy is in shambles. This month, the World Bank projected that Thailand’s GDP would grow by just 2.4 percent in 2024.
Raksha Bandhan Gift: Government will transfer Rs 23000 for shopping before Raksha Bandhan, the Finance Minister here announced, registration will start from August 1.